Monday, January 18, 2016

January 18th, 2016

Well this week was kinda rough. But I am still doing so great. We had so many appointments this week and we were so excited because being busy is wonderful! But. Just about every appointment we had fell through. Some people cancelled the morning of, some only right before the appt. One lady left a note on her door that said she wasn't feeling well and please don't knock on the door. Lots of people just didn't even show up... It was rough! Luckily we had back up plans for most of those times but the problem with back up plans is well, they are backups and you don't really focus on them so when you have to use them then it's kinda rough! But oh well! It also got down to the negative degrees. Plus wind chill. So yeah, like -25 sometimes. That is not fun. But I have lots of warm clothes and boots and everything so thank you for making sure I had nice warm things!!! 
This week was also transfers and I don't like them! I was getting to know the missionaries here really well and we were all really good friends and it's so sad that now they are just gone and a lot of them (really most of them) I will probably never see in my life again! That's a sad thought. But oh well. (honestly I'll probably forget about a lot of them too, hahah) We did go to Olive Garden with our STL's since sister Straight was getting transferred, so that was a lot of fun too! 
Everything else is going pretty well, it's kind of weird but I have become a clean freak since being out. I don't know what happened hahah.  like this morning we woke up and did laundry and then I cleaned and scrubbed the bathroom and then I vacuumed our room and cleaned that up and wiped everything down and made sure everything was spotless.  
But yeah, mission life is good! We have people to teach, although everyone is progressing soooo slowly. We just need to keep working hard and doing what we can to help them progress and then just let them use their agency, that's the hard thing! It seems so easy for us because we know the blessings that come from living the gospel and we know it's true but they have to take that leap of faith and that's hard for them. 
Also I have been doing a gratitude journal since like the middle of December and wow it's the best thing ever. It helps me so much. I have so so many things to be thankful for and I love ending my day by writing about the things I am thankful for. If you want to try it, I would definitely recommend it. We truly have so much to be thankful for and it's so important to remember that. 
Emma just pointed out to me that I have been out 2 months today! It's the 18! So that's exciting! Time is already going so fast, I can't believe it. I love being a missionary, and I am so thankful I can be.(: it sure is hard work, but it's so wonderful and more than worth it. I love this gospel so much and I am so glad I can share it with other.
I hope everyone has a great week, I love you all!!

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