Monday, January 11, 2016

This week was great. Last week it rained and melted a lot of the snow but then starting saturday night it got FREEZING. it's like 4 degrees right now so that's fun.. Guess it's just time to really start dressing warm, thank goodness we have a car or I don't know what I would do..
We had zone training meeting this week which was great. I learned lots and we are really working on making the goals we set and improving more. We went out to lunch with the sisters in our zone afterwards to noodles and company which was a blast. It's just so much fun being with other missionaries, especially sisters!
Thursday night we drove down to Manitowoc and stayed with the spanish sisters in their apartment. That was fun except we had to sleep on the floor which meant I didn't sleep like at all. But oh well! We drove down to Milwaukee with them Friday for the new missionary training. It was such a long drive, but the training was awesome. And it was so much fun to see everyone from the MTC!! I was so happy to see Sister Tidwell. She is the greatest, and she is doing really well so I'm glad(: Also sister Cutler is the best cook so for lunch we had the yummiest soup, salad and bread. Oh my goodness it was delicious. We learned a lot about using the Book of Mormon more so we are trying to do that. Then on the drive home me and Sister Brian (the spanish sister) got talking a lot (she also is the one whose uncle lives in eagle mountain) and we are like the same person. Seriously we just talked and laughed the entire drive home and it was so much fun. She is the oldest of 4 little brothers so it was so fun to have that in common and talk about having little brothers and just everything else! We already have many plans of hanging out when we get home. Bahah, she is so cool. 
There also is this flash drive of music around our mission and the Manitowoc Sisters have it so they put it on our flash drives and it's wonderful. It's lots of awesome hymns and other mission music. OUR MISSION ALSO HAS A RAP. For real, it's the best thing ever. I will see if I can email it to you guys. ANd it has a bunch of funny songs about missions on it that missionaries have written and it's wonderful. So that's the best thing ever. Also like everyone is getting transferred. We play volleyball a lot with the STL's and 4 sets of Elders and one from every companionship is getting transferred and I am so sad! But oh well, I will get to meet more people which will be fun! 
S went to a baptism on Friday by herself! Her family couldn't go so we got her a ride and she went, and she loved it which was so amazing and she even stayed for church when her family left. She is so amazing and SO close to getting baptized. I can't wait for her. T is getting discouraged bc it's taking so long so he isn't as excited anymore so we need to get him excited again. They are all progressing a lot. their mom came to church but left 3rd hour to take their other daughter to violin but still she did come which was awesome! We had 4 investigators at church. It was great. 
This week was good, time is already going so fast I just can't believe it's already another pday!! But yeah I think that's all for now. I love you all!!!

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