Monday, January 4, 2016


Well last Monday after we emailed, we went to Walmart, and as soon as we walked out of there it was snowing so much!! Seriously it snowed non stop the entire day and night. It was insane. We went with the Sister Training Leaders to Lambeau Field and that was so much fun. We got to do a tour and go sit in one of the suites and learn all about the history. We got to go down the tunnel the Green Bay Packers go out of and they played the song they listen to and it was pretty dang cool. Bahaha. Sadly it was snowing so much so they covered up the field and we couldn't see it and we couldn't really get good pics but oh well, it was a ton of fun. It was crazy driving around monday and tuesday, and even still now. There is just so much snow everywhere! I love it so much. Tuesday morning though we woke up at like 5:45 and helped plow the driveway and shovel and that wasn't much fun, but oh well, it had to be done. After district meeting on Tuesday all the Elders got into a big snow fight, it was hilarious. I got nailed a few times and threw a few snowballs myself, but luckily I wasn't in the middle of it. They were pushing each other in big piles of snow and they were all soaked afterwards. It was hilarious. 
For New Year's Eve when we got home we played Rummikub with mama B and drank sparking grape cider. It was fun, but it didn't feel like a New year since we didn't stay up until midnight! Oh well! I can't believe it's 2016, seriously it's just so crazy! 
Also I am loving the Book of Mormon. Ok like I have never noticed how much it has to do with missionary work. Like when reading it in the past that's not what stuck out to me. But reading it now that's all that sticks out to me! I am learning so much about my mission and wow it's just so relatable to whatever is going on in your life, it's so cool. I am so thankful we have the Book of Mormon. 
We are teaching so many awesome people right now, and we are so close to getting baptism dates with lots of them! But people are progressing and it's so cool to see that! Yesterday we got 3 new investigators. It was crazy. We just felt like we should stop by and see some old potentials that were in the area book and we got return appts with all 3 of them! How crazy! We are meeting with 2 of them today, so wish us luck! 
We have new missionary training in milwaukee this week and I am so excited bc I will get to see everyone from my MTC district, and I just can't wait! It'll be so much fun! I miss them all and I miss Sister Tidwell lots too so it'll be so great to see her. She was a wonderful companion. 
Well that's all for now. I hope everyone has an awesome week, and had an awesome New Year's also. I love you all!

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