Thursday, February 11, 2016

February 8th, 2016

Well I had another really great week! Last pday we made cookies, and boy were they delicious! We used Sister Cutler's recipe (our mission president's wife) and first off they made a HUGE batch, so we still have frozen cookie dough in the freezer, bahah. And yes, they are delicious. Seriously if you want to taste the yummiest chocolate chip cookies in the universe let me know and I'll send you that recipe(; SO since we made so many cookies and we were having a cookie war with our district, we brought those! BUT we made them into ninja shapes for the Elders and so they were the coolest ever.
At district meeting we decided we needed a district picture and we decided that we should make snow angels since we were in the middle of a huge snowstorm. It was a blast! We were all so snowy and cold after, but it was totally worth it. My district is great. So yeah everyone kept telling us about a huge storm we would have on Tuesday and that we shouldn't be out, but well we can't just stay inside! Luckily it wasn't as bad as everyone said it would be. Well, ok it was that bad, but we were in District meeting the whole time and then the roads were plowed when we were done so it was perfect! We got like another foot of snow.. Our ward mission leader thought I was hilarious when he told us about the storm bc he said we would get another foot and I said what?! But we already have that much! I don't know why, but he thought that was hilarious. Our ward mission leader is awesome! We have correlation at his house tonight and he is getting us all pizza! So nice of him. He brings donuts and chocolate milk sometimes too(: it's great.
So yeah since there was so much snow, there was so much shoveling!! It was crazy. Kind of annoying bc it kept snowing as we were shoveling one day so by the time we finished the driveway it looked like we hadn't even done the first half! Oh well. There is so much snow, I just can't believe it. I love it so much though(: It's so pretty!!!
One day when we were tracting there was a fairytale house and oh man I should have taken a picture of it bc it seriously looked like it came out of a fairytale. It was so adorable.
Oh also we have a less active that lives by Aaron Rodgers so we got a picture of his house(: I'll send that (;
Also wow this week was just so good! We have wonderful investigators right now that I am so excited about!! A (I don't remember if I told you about her last week) but she's a young, single mom and she is so cool. We had a member come with us to a lesson this week (also a single mom) and it was perfect!! The member shared how the gospel brought her so much hope when she found it and A told us that's what she has been looking for and praying for. We read the intro to the BOM with her and she was excited that she could pray about it for herself to find out if it's true. She really loves everything that we teach her, she talks a whole lot so we haven't even fully finished the restoration lesson (in like 3 appts) but that's ok bc she is learning a lot, and the spirit is always there so strong!! She told us she would come to stake conference, but then she didn't so that's a bummer.. but I hope she will come to church this next week!!
We also met another new investigator names J. She has 5 daughters and lives with her less active mom. She has some strange beliefs but she is willing to learn from us! At first when we invited her to read the BOM she said she didn't want to bc the bible says not to add anything onto it, but we testified of the BOM and how it doesn't add or take away from the bible but it goes hand in hand. We told her she could read it and pray about it for herself to know if it was true, and then she said yes she would read it!! So we have another lesson with her next week, and I'm super excited.
Another investigator B is doing good. The lesson with her last week went super well, and she was super excited to come to stake conference, but then when the ride we had for her called her sunday morning to confirm getting her she hung up on him.... so we called her and she said she had to babysit her granddaughter. darn! She said she will come next week, so I will keep praying that she will!
Also oh my. The Bs are doing amazing!!!!!! We had a lesson with them last night about temples and Bro B asked when the ward temple trip is so they can go and walk around the temple grounds as a family, awesome! We showed them pics of the Provo Temple (from the open house) and they loved it, then they looked up pics of temples (the outsides) for the rest of the lesson, and it was really cool. The spirit was so strong, and they really want to make it there. W and S were super excited about them too, and W decided she wants to go to all the temples in the world, bahah. It was the best lesson. I am so excited about them!
We also have the great lady we visit, a widow in our ward. We love her and we go see her about once a week and help her sort through her old photos, that's so much fun. She's from New York so it's cool to see all the pics she has of that! She lives in an assisted living home, so there are lots of old people and one of her friends is HILARIOUS. She has dementia so she has no idea what's going on and she thinks I'm her daughter... bahahah. So I make sure I am really nice to her and she comes in and sorts through pics with us. She had a bowl of popcorn this week and she kept trying to offer me a bite of her "ice cream". Oh my she's great. Then she told me she lost her watch in a pile of sand in the little town she lives in. The member we visit kept getting mad and telling her that she lives here! That doesn't sound as funny in writing, but it was hilarious.
We also had stake conference this week and let me tell you how dumb I am! They had a dinner before the Saturday night session so after I got my food, one lady in our ward told me to come sit by her, so I did, and guess who I sat in front of. Ok I'll tell you in a second. I thought I was just sitting by 2 random guys, whatever. I was starving so I was shoving the soup in my mouth and pretty much ignoring the guys. They were asking me like where I was from and how long I've been out and all that, and I was just trying to not listen bc I wanted to eat my food. Then we got up and left, and my companion looks and me and says do you know who you sat by?? I was like no! I had sat by the stake president and Elder Wilford W. Andersen of the seventy!! And I totally ignored him! How lame is that! I wish I would have known it was him and talked to him, bc how cool would that have been. But nope, I was too busy eating my soup. Bahah, oh well!
Stake conference was amazing!! The spirit was sooooo strong and they showed us a really cool video that you guys should look up on youtube. (just search Gibbons family celebrating 20 years) this family made a video for The Family Proclamation and it was soooo cool. I just felt the spirit so strong. This church is so true, and it's amazing. My testimony grows so much everyday, and I am loving so much being out here. It's wonderful getting to teach people and share the gospel with them and help them change their lives. I am so thankful for this opportunity.
Well I think that's all for now! I hope you guys have a wonderful week, and I love you all tons(: 

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