Thursday, February 18, 2016

February 18,2016

So our mission president said that myldsmail wasn't sending a lot of messages on monday, so hopefully you got my email! He wanted us to get on and resend our emails in case you guys didn't get them.. so just in case you didn't get it then here it is again! 

This week was actually super busy, which is always wonderful, and it seriously went by so fast I can't even believe it.. 
Last monday it snowed even more.. hahah, I don't know how we could possibly get anymore snow but it just keeps coming! Last week we had Zone Training Meeting and it was so great, I loved all the training we received. It got me so excited for the things to come. At Stake Conference last week the stake president said he sees so much growth happening soon in the green bay stake and I am so excited to be apart of that, we just need to find those people that are ready to hear and accept the gospel! I know they are out there, we just need to work hard to find them. Also since we had ZTM- Hermana Brian was there and it was so fun to see her! Transfers are this next week so we are hoping both of us stay so we will still be in the same zone bc we will be so sad if we can't see each other ever! She is the greatest(: 
Also there is this sweet lady we get to go visit at the hospital, she was visiting her family here (she lives in Nevada now, but is from Logan, Utah) and she fell and is in the hospital now.. she has been there for I think 3 weeks, and will be there until at least march, but her grand daughter is getting married march 5 so she is hoping to be able to fly to Utah for that! Our bishop has us go visit her, and she is the nicest lady ever! She served a mission in California like way a long time ago when it went from Bakersfield up to Oregon! She loves the gospel so much and it's so cool to talk to her and hear her testimony. Also she is teaching the gospel to everyone in the hospital so that's wonderful! We gave her pass along cards she can hand out(; She is just the nicest. 
Also our investigator B is.... well... we don't know. She hasn't shown up to the past 2 appts we've had set with her but then she will call us later in the day and reschedule and tell us she was in the hospital.. she said that about sunday too, and she keeps changing what she says she went to the hospital for so we are thinking she doesn't want to meet with us but then she reschedules so we have no idea. We will try to meet with her a few more times and see what happens.
The B Family is doing so great, they ALL came to church yesterday!!! It was the best thing ever, they have never come all together so we were so happy.(: We are teaching them again tonight so I hope that goes well, we are planning on setting baptism dates with the kids so I hope they are feeling ready for that, I know they are ready, and I know they can do it. I just hope they have the faith to do it soon! 
We also visited our lovely friends B and N (the ladies that live at the assisted living home) B is a member and N is her wonderfully hilarious friend that thinks we are her daughters. I love visiting B. She shows us all of her family history stuff, and we get to help her sort through it and look at cool old pictures and hear about her life. She has some way cool stories. Then N just sits with us and we have to try not to laugh bc she has no idea what's going on ever.... bahahah. This week she chased us out to our car... That was a little creepy! But she is the nicest and so harmless, and we love her. 
Also we have the greatest ward mission leader. Last week he had us and the elders over monday night for pizza and correlation meeting. Then this saturday for correlation he brought donuts and chocolate milk, yum! And he is just so awesome, and willing to help and he helps the missionary work so much. It's great. This ward is incredible. Everyone is so willing to help and come out with us. I'm so thankful we have such a great ward! 
Oh and we weren't able to see A this last week- but we stopped by and saw her last night and set up an appt to see her thursday. I'm so excited about her. I feel like she is so ready to have the gospel in her life, and she loves the things we teach her, it's so cool to watch her learn and understand and feel the spirit. She is way cool. 
I can't really think of anything else that happened this week but it was a good week(: transfers are next week which is crazy! 
I hope you all have a wonderful week, I love you guys so much!!!(:
Love, Sister Sydney Killian

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