Monday, February 29, 2016

February 29,2016

So this was the best week ever. 
We had transfers which are sad bc everyone leaves and it's sad to say goodbye to people bc it's like wow I might never see you again in my entire life, so that's cool. Also some member gave us like a bunch of cheese so we will possibly be making grilled cheese sandwiches for the rest of our lives. But Sister Gifford is my new companion and I love her so much. We have so much fun, and we just laugh all day and we get along so well. She is my favorite, and I am so glad she's my companion! We also had dinner with Mama B and the Elders earlier this week and that was a blast, me and Sis Gifford split a waffle and some sandwich and it was amazing. Plus we got hot chocolate and lots of laughs. We also found a giant trash bag full of popcorn at the church from this youth dance they had and the 2nd ward said we could take it so we did and our room smells like popcorn and it's amazing. Also 2 days ago it was 53 degrees outside and it was so wonderful bc we were tracting kind of a lot that day, but it was so warm so it wasn't even bad at all. Plus we drove around with the windows down bc it felt so nice.(: BUT then it snowed yesterday so that warm wave is over. It's freezing again. Cool. We got a little taste of warmth... hahah. Also while we were tracting there were Jehovah's Witness cards at like everyone's door so we picked them all up and then we stuck them on all the Elders cars. It was hilarious. I love the missionaries in this area. They are so awesome. Ok also N is hilarious. She's that old lady that has dementia. We love her. We were talking to B about doing family history work and taking names to the temple and Norma was just sitting there looking bored so Sis Gifford asked her what her favorite food was and she said "turkey.. but if I had to choose another meat it would have to be... cats." we were like what?? N, you eat cats?? And she was like yeah, you just stick them outside and let them roast a little while! We could not stop laughing. Then a little while later we asked her if she had any pets and she said yes, I have 2 teams. We were like 2 teams of what?? She was like cats. We asked her if she eats them and she looked at us like we were crazy and said of course not! Hahah N is the best. 
Also the Bs are doing so great. They are loving hearing the lessons again and at church yesterday in gospel principles Sister B shared how the gospel helped her when she became a member and how the Holy Ghost impacted her life. It was so cool. They do have to change their baptism date bc S has something for school the weekend we had set.. But we are hoping we can just move it to the week before because we want to have it before April! They are doing so great though, during lessons they all just sit there and smile and it's so cool. It's been so amazing to see them change so much, and to feel the spirit entering their lives even more. I'm so thankful I get to be a part of their journey, I love helping them come closer to Christ. They are such a wonderful family, and I just cannot wait for the kids to be baptized! They are amazing. 
A lot of our investigators are out of town right now which is not too fun, but we have been working hard to find new ones! We have been doing pretty well also, it's been fun. We have been finding lots of people, but also lots of people don't keep appts which is kind of a pain. But oh well, it's all good. (:
Also remember that crazy Korean lady I talked about a few weeks back? We stopped by bc we gave her a Book of Mormon so we just thought we would follow up and she is totally reading it. She loves it! We told her we would get her a Korean BOM and she almost cried she was so happy. So cool. I don't think she could be baptized anytime soon bc she isn't totally there, but hey. We can teach her and she can love the BOM and that's wonderful and we will try to get her there. Super cool. 
Also we got to teach seminary this morning. I applaud those kids for waking up early every morning and going to seminary, that would be hard to do! But they do it. Although during the lesson they were so dead, so that was kind of not the best. But I would have been totally dead all the same if I were sitting there. 
So yeah, that was pretty much my week. It was great. Being a missionary is still the best thing ever and I love Sister Gifford so much. I love you all and I hope you have a fantastic week.(: 
Love, Sister Killian

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