Tuesday, February 2, 2016

February 1st, 2016

This week was wonderful! I think I told you guys last week that we were doing a church tour with one of our investigators. That went so well! She is still nervous about coming to church (she has some deep concern she won't tell us) but she suggested having lessons at the church from now on because she loves the spirit that she feels there! We are so excited about that!! It's another step in the right direction. She is going to florida for like a month and a half soon though which will be hard but someone suggested still calling her and giving her assignments to read and stuff so she can keep progressing. 
We also had a lesson with the B family last week. We kept it short and simple and shared the talk from Elder Wilford W. Andersen The Music of the Gospel from last april's general conference. He is coming to speak at our stake conference next week, so we invited them to read that talk and come to stake conference, and bro b is so excited because it starts at 10 and ends at 12 so he can come the whole time, he won't have to leave early to take his daughter to violin. Awesome! We also have a family home evening set up with them tonight at the Elder's quorum president's house, it's gonna be great! 
We also met a new investigator B and set a baptism date with her for march 5! she is really awesome, and loves what we are teaching her but she didn't come to church... it's so hard to get people to church! oh well, we will keep working with her! 
We also met another new investigator last night named A. She's a young, single mom who is struggling with some things her catholic church does so she wants to learn more about other religions. We are meeting with her again on tuesday! We really think she has a lot of potential. I am so excited to teach her. 
Besides people we are teaching it's been a great week also! It snowed like another foot last week, so we had to spend a lot of time shoveling, but oh well. I'm getting strong muscles. (maybe, I don't really think so) anyways, then yesterday it rained so a lot of the snow melted, but I guess that another big storm is coming in tuesday and the lowest expected inches of snow is 6 and the high is 13. great! oh well, I am just so thankful we have a car!!
Tuesday night we went on exchanges with the STL's and they don't have a car this week, it's getting fixed! So I was in their area for the day with sister Payne, and we had to walk everywhere. I am so thankful we have a car, walking everywhere is a pain and it takes so much time, so I really appreciate all the missionaries that don't get cars-good job to you! Anyways- sis Payne is awesome. We stayed up way too late talking and laughing, it was so much fun. Then we spent the whole next day laughing too. we just got along really well! We met a homeless guy while street contacting and he asked us to pray for him, and we gave him our granola bars. I felt really bad for him, he couldn't find the shelter and we didn't know where it was either and it was really cold and windy out. I hope he ended up finding it!! So yeah, exchanges were awesome. 
Oh and last week Mama B made marshmallow brownies and it was the best day of my life. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. OH and we went to maurices and I got this shirt I had wanted before I left for $6!! Yeah, win. It's way cute, and I took pics wearing it so I will send those. 
My comp never takes pics so I just take selfies now so don't make fun of me!
Also our District leader always makes a treat for District Meeting so this week we said we would make cookies, but he said he would make cookies too, soooo we are gonna have a cookie war in our district and see who makes the best cookies(: I am excited for that! Cookies are so yummy. 
That's all really I can think of, but yeah being a missionary is still wonderful and I am so happy all the time and I just love it here(: I hope you guys are doing so great! I love you all TONS!!
OH also I lost my voice yesterday. So that's fun! 

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